Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What are some ways to consistently release my golf swing?

It seems to be a major problem in my swing I am consistently late on the release. Therefore I hit a weak fade.|||Swing the club head from the top of the back swing. Try to get the club head to the ball before your hands get there. If you pull the club through the ball with your body, you will always struggle with the release - swing the club head first and stay behind the ball til you hit it.|||Practice, practice, practice.|||I was taught a 6 point check list on your swing....the book by Tiger Woods "How I play golf", has some great illustrations....What helps me the most is to bring my club back until my shoulder hits my chin, and not to lift my head until my other shoulder hits my chin....try it ! Also, when my club is almost at its peak....the barrel should be pointing down to the ball for good alignment....|||I do a couple of things: Feel like I am hitting the ball with the toe of the club. Feel my forearms rotate through impact.|||?????????|||properly release the club during your swing while also touching on the importance of timing and tempo.


There are three checkpoints that deal with your wrist hinge. During your back swing, the top of your swing, and just past impact. Get these positions correct and you鈥檒l hit better shots.


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