Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How do I change my voter registration from California to a swing state while living abroad?

I live in London and I'm currently registered to vote in CA. I'd like to change this and vote in a swing state like Florida, Michigan or Ohio. Anyone know how?|||You have to actually prove residence in the state to do that. So, unless you plan on moving to Florida, Michigan, or Ohio in the near future, I don't think this is anything you can do legally.|||doing so would be voter fraud since you don't actually live there and most recently didn't.|||You can't. You would have to move back to the US, legally change your address to the new location and register to vote there.|||the above notwithstanding, I am sure as the election approaches, there will be sites where you can register to swap votes with someone in a state...this happened last time around, and has sine been ruled legal IIRC.|||No can do. You have to establish minimum residency in a state to register as a voter there.

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