Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How can I maintain a fluid golf swing with muscles in the way?

I used to be muscular, and while I could hit the ball pretty far, I couldn't hit it consistently well. My muscles, notably chest muscles, would impede my golf swing. Now that I'm much less muscular (rather skinny), my golf swing is like butter and I hit it extremely well (though not as far). However, I want to put on muscle mass again and am wondering if there's a way to maintain my current golf swing while doing so.

Thanks in advance.|||Yes, you can.|||Unless you have pecs like a champion body builder, having the right posture will allow you to make an un-impeeded golf swing. To achieve this propper posture, stand with your feel shoulder width apart. Use a longer club like your driver or a 3 iron in your right hand. Place the club behind your head so that the shaft of the club touches your head and your tail bone. Use your other hand to secure the club at the bottom. Keeping your head on the shaft of the club, bend forward from your hips, not your waist to a comfortable position. Use a mirror to find what looks right. Swing with a good shoulder turn and enjoy the results. I have pretty large chest muscles, so I had to learn this. Coincidentally, this is the correct way to swing a club in the first place. Use the mirror, it really helps.

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