Saturday, November 19, 2011

How can I wrap a swing and a highchair that is already put together?

I bought my sister a highchair and a swing for her baby shower. They were both floor Models so they are out of the box and already put together. How can I wrap them? Thank You!|||Is the baby shower at her house?

If not, I would take a picture of them and wrap the photos (you could even have the pics printed in 8 by 10 so that everyone can see it) . . . then have someone sneak them to her house so they are waiting for her there. She gets to know what it is at the shower and does not have to figure out how to transport if afterwards with all her other goodies.

You also get to throw her off because the photos will be wrapped in a smaller box, so she will never guess what it is.

Best wishes!|||The easiest way is to get a box that will fit them - stores chuck them out all the time into cardboard recycling bins behind the stores, go see if you can find a large box. Otherwise, they're probably pretty difficult - I'd get a white bedsheet and wrap them with that, then put ribbon on. That way you're not trying to stop paper ripping on the weird shapes and it will still look nice.|||I think a bike bag may work...although they still may not be big enough. I would check the dimensions on those, and if they won't work...then I'd just put bows on them. You can make it cute. Like, put a pretty ribbon bow on both of them and maybe buy some cute stuffed animals for the baby and put on it each seat. That would be neat.|||Buy some baby blankets and throw them over it... Get one of those big Gift bag/ sacks (they have them at the dollar store) or find a HUGE box to put it in. I would probably just keep them out of site for for the shower and have her close her eyes. Bring them out one by one and let her open her eyes.|||They have bags at places like walmart for wrapping bikes, I would get one of those, although they may not be "baby shower worthy" lol, maybe you could take one of those trash bags that are pink or blue (pretty sure they still sell those) I think they might be scented, and then use large ribbon :)|||you could just put bows or get a set of cute sheets and wrap then that way|||either find really really big boxes, or find medium boxes and tape them together to make a box, or just wrap paper around the whole thing and slap a bow on top|||take a picture of them and put them in a card. then hide the swing and highchair upstairs or wherever.|||put them in a big box.

you can't really wrap them.

or you could just put a ribbon around them with a big bow|||she's an adult. you don't really need to wrap them.

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