Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is the best way to stay planted during a golf swing?

The way i swing, I tend to bend into my weight shift and then I over correct it and top the ball. I have no idea on how to fix it. Also, i have a wicked slice!|||Swing within yourself. A lot of people who have this problem are over swinging and most likely have a reverse pivot. Also a factor could be swinging too upright. Learn the proper foot work. Just like in tennis, bowling, baseball, etc. There must be a weight transfer to the left side at, or just before impact. It's actually the first move forward once you've completed the back swing. The left hip initiates the forward swing. With a move parallel to the target line. You should end up in the follow through position with all of your weight on the outside of the left foot and up on your right toe. Hold that position until the ball hits the ground. You will develop tempo/rhythm. You can do it. Good luck!|||keep your weight on ur back foot during your backswing then transfer the weight to the front on might be doing the reverse..which is called a reverse fix ur are prolly coming over the top..try to swing to the inside more|||First, make sure you have a proper grip. If you put a tee between the thumb and forefinger of your top hand, it should be perpendicular to the ground. When you address the ball, make sure it is no farther ahead than the inside of your left heel, and no further back than the middle of your stance. Concentrate on clearing your left hip and shooting your right hip through as you swing. There's a lot of timing involved, and it sounds like you might be getting "ahead of the ball". At impact, your belt buckle should be 45 degrees from your target line, and when you finish, it should be facing the target line. Also, don't concentrate so much on shifting your weight as pivoting in place. If you pay attention to your timing/tempo, the weight transfer should take care of itself.|||don't swing so hard. it's easier to make corrections on a smoother, slower swing.|||DO NOT put your weight on your back foot during the backswing. This causes a slice very badly! weight should stay 50-50 on the backswing. Your head should NOT move on your back swing. Flex your front knee foward and your back knee back. Swing foward putting your weight on your front foot but KEEPING your head back. A slice is also caused by breaking your wrists too much. If in your backswing you look in mirror and see that the club is coming close to your left shoulder on your backswing, you are breaking your wrists too much. There are many other things that need to be accounted for that can only be taught by a good experienced golf instructor. If you are topping the ball often you are uncocking your wrists too soon and lifting up.|||I read book on Jack Niklaus stand, and it suggests you keep your weight on the inside foot of each of your feet. That way you can keep the balance after impact.|||The best way is to find a teaching Pro then he will tell you what you have done wrong. But I think you should swing a bit slower and feel which part has the ball impact into your club face.


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