Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How can I get my baby to sleep in her crib instead of the swing?

My baby is 2 1/2 months old and she's always slept in the swing all night and all naps. Now I am trying for her to sleep in her crib. Any tips on doing this transition would be much appreciated.

Thanks!|||Let her rock in the swing until she starts falling asleep, you know the eyes droop and all. Then pick her up out of there and sway back and forth as you take here to her bed. she will hopefully fall asleep again as you are swaying and just put her in there. it will take a couple/few days for here to adjust and once she does start sleeping in the bed, just make sure to put her there. A routine helps. rock for awhile, then before she falls asleep, you take her out and into bed. good luck|||Been there! :)

Just keep trying! My son refused to sleep in his crib, but I just kept trying at least once a day - I would get him asleep/almost there and lay him in the crib, he would usually scream right away, I would stay with him a few minutes to see if he would settle, and if not I would let him have the swing - and after a week, he just magically decided the crib was comfy and has been sleeping there ever since!

Every now and then though he still falls asleep in his swing...

Best of Luck....and don't worry it will happen.|||i just transfered my 6 month old baby out of my bed into he pack and play beside my bed. i put up the bassinet piece in it and suprisingly it went very well. try and put her crib beside your bed to see if this transition will help. your probably just going to have to stick out a few rough nights. good luck!|||I agree with Blaze Baby. It's no big issue, and there are no set time frames honestly for this.

If she prefers the swing, let her, and you can gently move her to her crib when she falls asleep. As she sleeps more in the crib, put the swing up in a closet.|||honestly just keep trying... i would just let her goto sleep in the swing and then move her when she is asleep, do that for a while and when she is used to it then try easing her into falling asleep in ur arms or the crib|||Avoid the swing during her sleeping times. When she is tired and ready for sleep, ease her in your arms and then to the crib. Have patience.|||I would begin with not turning on the swing while she is sleeping. Then try to put her down for a nap in the crib. Then you may be able to transition her into the crib|||after she falls asleep, move her.

move her sooner %26amp; sooner each time, until you lay her down awake in the crib %26amp; she falls asleep on her own (which may not happen for months, btw)

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