Tuesday, November 15, 2011
How long will batteries last in a baby swing?
I need to purchase my daughter a baby swing and have tried to find the ones you can plug in, but have only found two and they are not pretty. She is having a girl. Do the battery operated ones use alot of batteries?|||We had to change the batteries on my son's swing about every other week. It really depends on how often you use it and how many other things it has (my son's had a mobile that spun around and birds that moved up and down, and played songs) so it took a lot. If you haven't looked yet, go to www.babiesrus.com and check out their selection.|||my son loves his swing and the batteries last about a month. it is a graco|||We seemed to go through a lot, but it wasn't a ridiculous amount for how much we used the swing. Ours was just a little Fisher Price take-along swing, and it had music on it too. It took 3 or 4 'C' batteries every time. My daughter used the swing a lot, but the batteries weren't such a big deal. It's worth it if the child loves the swing! Same thing for my daughter's crib mobile. Uses 4 'C' batteries, but considering the fact that she used it every night and for naps, it isn't too bad.|||I have a fisher-price "3 in 1 rocker swing" and I've had the batteries in mine for 3 months. My daughter uses it every day for a few hours at a time and the batteries have not been replaced since we bought it! I don't know if it's the brand, but it's lasting forever! I'm using Energizers.|||We use our swing abount and hour every day and they last usabout 6 months!!! Its a graco I got at a garage sale for 20 bucks|||Just a suggestion, but you could get her a bunch of batteries to fit whichever swing you choose, to go along with the gift. Good Luck|||honey just get a long lasting battery,and take ur mind of the swing for a while|||We have a travel swing and used it maybe 1 hr. a day for 2 months. We never replaced the batteries once! My son is now 4+ months and he's too heavy for it so we have put it away already! He liked other things much better than the swing.....he has a walker that he likes, a baby einstein gym that he likes and a jumper swing that we just bought him and he loves it the best so far!|||the graco i have is battary powered and lasts a week *sigh*|||We have a fisher price natures touch cradle swing and it eats through batteries fast. I would highly recommend buying your daughter a set of rechargeable C batteries and a universal charger. So many baby products use batteries that rechargeables save a bundle of money in the long run. We can use our swing for about 2 weeks before we need to change the batteries- this is about 30 minutes of use each day with music and a mobile turning as well.
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