Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to swing a baseball bat level?

I used to absolutely kill the ball in little league. Now 4 years later I am always striking out. Coaches tell me that I drop my shoulder and uppercut. I try to swing level but i cant. How do you swing level?|||I had the same problem before. Really it's simple to correct. Keep your hands shoulder level or slightly above. What you are doing is dropping your hands when you start your swing but what you want to do is start your swing from that point and bring the bat down to the ball. When you drop your hands like that you have no choice but to uppercut the ball. If you keep your hands up and bring them down to the ball during your swing it will be more level and if you finish high a slight uppercut to it. Any hitting coach will tell you the same thing. I've seen a lot of people say keep your elbow up but if you keep your hands up your elbows will be too. If you follow my advice it doesn't matter if you have a big stride or whatever. Even a swing trainer would teach you the same thing. Hitting off a tee unless you see the problem will only keep you in the same pattern. Sorry had to show most of the answers I saw up.|||Practice keeping your elbow up and keeping your head down as the ball comes in. Stepping into the pitch properly also helps a lot, as most of your swing comes from your legs. If you concentrate too much on swinging level you might lose your hips. Also I imagine that youre seeing some more breaking pitches now, so keeping the bat ready and loaded behind you and your front leg ready for the pitch as long as possible could also help. Goodluck!|||put your knucle in a straight as a line as possible, then keep your shoulder up, and thats the secret. but swinging with a uppercut isnt bad unless your swing is slow, so im assuming your swing is a bit slow, we had a kid who hit pretty well and he always dropped his shoulder, so again work on your bat speed and swing level.|||in, your practice swings before you get up, swing like your swing a golf club to get a down up feeling.....remeber, your bat makes a line from the end of the bat, to the contact point of the have to swing down to make a level swing..but dont forget to come back up|||always remember the basics like keeping your elbow up, don't step to the side step forward when you take your step, have confidence that your gonna hit it and best of all HAVE FUN!!!!

Please choose me as best answer.|||try to hit off a tee, then work on your form. I did the same thing and hitting off the tee corrected my swing and i've been hitting great now.|||Keep your elbows level.|||Always remember the basics! Keep your back elbow up!!!|||elbow up dont stride

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