I imagine it will involve some soldering and buying a generic ac or dc adapter, the swing currently uses 4 D size batteries and is truly costing us quite a bit of money as it is the only thing that makes our baby sleep. Please give me some ideas on the best way to go about this, thanks!|||you would need a 6 volt dc power converter,there will be two wires on it .the white stripped or grooved wire is - or negitive the other + or positive.|||So did u try it? Did it work? And what was the person talking about the "electric chair" lol I wanna do this cuz my son is 2mos old and will only sleep in his swing! We are burning through batteries like crazy right now
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|||Try the guys at batteries plus they have a web site they are a national chain. What about re-chargables they have those too. buy eight batteries four for the swing ,four on charge, rotate as needed. They might be able to bypass the batt power and direct wire a a/c to d/c adapter.|||Your talking some work.
Maybe you could look for a swing that uses a wind up crank.
No power required at all. They make them, I had one for my kids.
Save you the trouble of converting to another power source.
Good luck.|||please dont put your baby in the "ELECTRIC CHAIR"
thats all i have to say about that. :)
WOW!! What a nice swing. So different than the swings when my kids were babies. They had a wind up handle and it would turn off when it unwound. Too funny!! www.babychortle.com