Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Golf Swing question: How much power one should put on the left and right hands at impact?

I'm a right handed person. I find that for woods (driver included), I'd hit better using more of the left hand in a swing fashion, but with iron I use the left hand only as guide while inserting lots of power from the right hand at impact on the down swing. Is this the correct combination, as I often heard that one should be using same swing for both wood and iron shots although woods would be more of a sweeping?|||u should put more power on your right hand with both iron and wood/drivers and as long as you aim straight keep your shoulders lined to your shot knees bent and follow through you should be alright=)|||All your power should be coming from your left arm, the right hand is only there for the ride and to help keep control of the club.|||Nice combination.

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